Lent 2024
Behold the Lamb of God
Lent 2024
Behold the Lamb of God
Worthy are you to receive the scroll
and to break open its seals,
for you were slain and with your blood you purchased for God
those from every tribe and tongue, people and nation.
You made them a kingdom and priests for our God,
and they will reign on earth
Revelations 5:9-10
Lenten Liturgy Schedule
ASH WEDNESDAY • February 14
Mass and Distribution of Ashes
6:30am, 8:30am* (School Mass),
12:00pm*, and 6:00pm*
February 18, 25, March 3, 10, 17, 24
Saturday Vigil 5:00pm*
Sunday 7:30, 9:00* (ASL) & 11:15am*
Monday - Saturday 8:30am*
Tuesday 6:00pm*
Wednesday & Thursday 6:30am
Saturday 9:15-10:30am
or by appointment.
Wednesday, March 20, 7:00pm
Fridays at 6:00pm*
February 16, 23, March 1, 8, 15, 22
Good Friday, March 29 at 1:00pm*
Scroll down for more details.
First Friday, March 1
9:30am to 5:00pm (Stations start at 6pm)
Beautiful Eucharist
Our Gift Book this year, Beautiful Eucharist, is a powerful collection of reflections about Jesus truly present in the Eucharist and wonderfully present in our lives. Nothing will transform your life quite like a personal encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist. Copies are available in the Church Narthex.
Little Black Book
The Little Black Book, produced by the Diocese of Saginaw, is a booklet of six-minute meditations on the Sunday Gospels of Lent. Reflections begin Feb. 19 and end Easter Sunday, April 9. This year’s reflections are based on the Passion narrative of Matthew. There will be 500 copies available in the church narthex on a first-come basis. E-books for phone or tablet ($5) can be ordered directly at: littlebooks.org/seasonal-books/lent.
Friday Stations
Soup Supper & Speaker Series
Stations of the Cross at 6:00pm in the church.
Soup Supper and Speaker following around 6:45, concluding at 7:30pm.
Our speakers will focus on how the Eucharist has touched their lives.
Experiencing the Eucharist Since First
Speaker: Fr. Charles Zach
Stations led by Pastoral Council
My Conversion to the Eucharist
Speaker: Luke Brooks
Stations led by the ACTS Core Team
Do This in Memory of Me:
Two Teens’ Reflections
Speakers: Mia Harmon and Jack Andrews
Stations led by OLL Youth
Eucharist Inside the Prison Walls
Speakers: Carole Doerner and Fr. John Kerns
Stations led by OCIA
Eucharist: Kids, Coffee, and Christ
Speaker: Melissa Hanifan
Stations led by OLL Choir
Eucharist and Spiritual Care in the Hospital
Speakers: Dan Boone and Tom Foy
Stations led by the Knights of Columbus
Holy Week Schedule
March 24 • Palm Sunday
Mass and Distribution of Palms
Saturday Vigil at 5:00pm*
Sunday at 7:30, 9:00* (ASL) & 11:15am*
March 28 • Holy Thursday
Morning Prayer at 8:30am*
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00pm* (ASL)
March 29 • Good Friday
Morning Prayer at 8:30am*
Stations of the Cross at 1:00pm*
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
at 7:00pm* (ASL)
March 30 • Holy Saturday
Morning Prayer at 8:30am*
Confession 9:00am-10:15am
Blessing of Easter Foods at 3:00pm
Easter Vigil at 8:30pm*
March 31 • Easter Sunday
Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord
7:00, 9:00* (ASL in the Church) & 11:15am*
Masses at 9:00 and 11:15am will be
simultaneously celebrated live in the
Church and in the School Gym.
Stations of the Cross Booklets
Sack Lunch Meals of Mercy
Mercy Teams collects and donates sack lunches to various mission organizations in the Portland‑Metro area on a weekly basis.
Visit the Mercy Teams page for more information and to sign up to serve.
Most wanted food items: canned tuna & chicken, peanut butter & jam/jelly, macaroni & cheese, canned soup, vegetables & fruits.
Donate: Place all items in the St. Vincent de Paul barrels located upstairs outside of the church in the Narthex or downstairs outside of the Parish Hall near the elevator.
Visit our SVDP page for more information on our St. Vincent de Paul group.
Rice Bowls - CRS Lent Program
Support Catholic Relief Services and put your faith into action by giving alms to support the efforts of CRS in alleviating poverty and hunger.
Visit CRS Rice Bowl for more information.
FORMED: Your source for great Catholic content. If you're new to Formed, visit Formed.org and enter zip code: 97034. Enjoy movie night with family and friends, discover the lives of saints, share children’s programs with your kids. For recommendations, check out the show "This Week on Formed."
33 Days to Eucharistic Glory: At critical times throughout Salvation History, God’s people have been invited to consecrate themselves. We are at one of those critical times in history, and consecrating ourselves, our families, our country, and indeed, the whole world to the Eucharist may make all the difference. This resource is from Dynamic Catholic, which also published Beautiful Eucharist.
This year, the DOGS (Disciples of God's Spirit) group and some of our other OLL small groups are going through this consecration together. There is also a children's version available (recommended for ages 7-12) if you want to do it as a family.
Hallow App: The Hallow app has daily Lenten prayer reflections and dozens of other prayer options. A highly-rated prayer app.
Easter Environment Offerings
We invite you to make an offering in honor of your loved ones during the Easter season to benefit the environment of the Church. If you wish to participate, a gift may be made in any dollar amount
When you make your donation, you are invited to make it “in memory of” or “in thanksgiving for” and include this in the online giving “memo” or writing it on the Easter offertory envelope which can be found in the Church Narthex. Please write clearly your intentions on the envelope. These names will be displayed in the bulletin the Sunday after Easter.
Your remembrance gifts at Easter make it possible for us to enhance the beauty of the Church at this most sacred time of year when we celebrate Christ’s resurrection. The cut-off date is Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. Thank you for supporting the adornment of the Church.