Our Lady of the Lake Parish hosts a thriving and active community of Deaf and hard-of-hearing Catholics and their families. OLL is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all which ultimately enriches our entire community.
Our website for up-to-date events and schedules is located at:
Catholic Deaf Community
For Deaf support contact:
Join us for our Ongoing Programs:
8:00am Interpreter Rehearsal
9:00am Mass (Interpreted ASL)
10:15am Faith Education and Socials:
---1st Sundays - Bible Study: 10:25-11:00 Meet at the back of the fellowship hall following Mass
---2nd Sundays - The Chosen Film and Discussion
---3rd Sundays - SEEL Spiritual Prayer Group
---4th Sundays - Brunch and Discussion about the homily
Holy days: Interpreted Mass during the evening
Deaf Young Adult and Young at Heart Activity Night: 3:00pm on the 2nd Wednesday of every month
Deaf Home Group Bible Study: 3:00pm on the 4th Wednesday of every month
Upcoming Events:
Sept. 7 - Taize Service
Sept. 12 - Catholic Deaf YA MTG
Sept. 14 - Second Saturday Sisterhood
Sept. 26 - Catholic Deaf Small Group Mtg.
Oct. 10 - Catholic Deaf YA Mtg.
Oct. 12 - Second Saturday Sisterhood
Oct. 24 - Catholic Deaf Small Group Mtg.
Nov. 9 - Second Saturday Sisterhood
Nov. 14 - Catholic Deaf YA Mtg.
Nov. 28 - Catholic Deaf Small Group Mtg.
Deaf Service Opportunities
- Homebound visits to Deaf elderly or sick
- Visitation to the elderly with communion at the Deaf Assisted Living Center
- Spiritual Direction and women's group
The Hearing Circle
This wonderful group of hearing parishoners meet semi regularly to learn ASL. They can be casual learners interested in trying a few classes or those looking to build their knowledge to become a Liturgical Interpreter. Kindly reach out to Tom or Agnes if you are interested in joining this group. If you would like to start your practice now, click the link below for a few signs to learn on your own.
Our Interpreters in Action:
Do you have any questions?
If you would like to request an interpreter or a service such as anointing of the sick, spiritual direction, baptism, or hospital visit, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Tom Tomaszek
Pastoral Associate
Agnes Zueger
Coordinator of Music & Liturgy
Mary Brunette
Office Manager
Sign up for our monthly newsletter by emailing: