The Pastoral Care Team is made of parishioners who recognize a direct link between spirituality and the rest of life. We are concered with the care of parishioners in Spirit, Mind, and Body. We affirm the act of Mercy dictated by Christ to care for the sick, comfort the dying, and encourage, love and support our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Visitation Ministry
The Visitation Ministry offers Holy Communion and Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites) to the homebound and those in care facilities.
If you or a loved one would like to receive these sacraments due to illness, surgery, or end of life, please contact the Parish Office (503-636-7687 or to request a minister.
Catholic Deaf Ministry of Oregon at OLL
OLL welcomes members of the Catholic Deaf Community to love God, love others, and make disciples of Jesus Christ with us!
ASL interpretation is provided every Sunday at the 9:00am Mass. If you cannot attend in person, view the livestream here.
For more information about the Catholic Deaf Community in Portland, connect with them on their website.
Threads of Comfort Prayer Shawl Ministry
The purpose of a Prayer Shawl is to give comfort to those who are sick, struggling with grief, or who just need an affirmation of God's love. Recipients are wrapped in the arms of Jesus and the prayers of the ministry.
Who should receive a Prayer Shawl?
Anyone who is in need of a tangible hug of prayer. A prayer that can continue to wrap them in comfort, hope, and love.
What is a Prayer Shawl?
A Prayer Shawl is the compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice – from the beginning when yarn has been chosen the creator has asked for blessings for the potential receiver - each time we gather together we pray over the new shawls for the Lord’s Blessings, each month we pray for those who have received our shawls - we continue to have “Blessings of our Hands” that knit/crochet by our clergy. So, you see - stitch by stitch, row by row, the prayerful intentions of comfort, hope and love are embedded into each shawl. Our Prayer Shawls are unique none are the same as are the prayers that are needed, freely given. We have many colors and shapes to choose from and each creator has embedded their personal signature charm into each Prayer Shawl.
When do you gift a Prayer Shawl?
Whenever you are reaching out to someone for comfort, hope and prayer – it could be for health, bereavement, as well as in joy and celebration. Prayer Shawls are an actual gift – it is a tangible tool, of prayer, for you to give. We provide the wrappings - a gift bag & tissue along with a beautiful heartfelt prayer card.
Where can you get a Prayer Shawl?
Here at Our Lady of the Lake Parish! Just ask, call the office at 503-636-7687 and we will put you in contact with a representative of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. They will arrange a mutual time to meet with you, for you to personally select a Prayer Shawl.
Need one sooner? Grab a Pocket Prayer Shawl found in the Narthex and Parish Hall!
How can you be part of this ministry?
Join us in knitting/crocheting! We enjoy beginners and experienced hands. We meet the first Saturday of each month in the Parish Hall, Carpeted Area from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The ministry is an informal group who share tricks, designs, personal stories and prayers. YES! We can start you out – we have needles, instructions, teachers and some yarn. YES! We gladly accept donations of cash and yarn. The cash donations fund the charms used on our Pocket Prayer Shawls, gift wrapping, and cards.
Funeral Luncheon Ministry
Parish volunteers create a luncheon following the Funeral Mass/Memorial Service. This provides an opportunity to spend time with family and friends, celebrating your loved one's life.
How to make arrangements?
Contact information is provided when making funeral plans with the Parish staff. Please provide an estimate of how many may attend.
When does the funeral luncheon happen?
Directly following the Funeral Mass. Family and friends are invited downstairs to the Parish Hall.
What does the Luncheon Ministry provide?
Volunteers set up, serve, and clean up. The following is provided:
Donations are greatly appreciated, but not necessary. Checks can be made directly to Our Lady of the Lake, marked for the Funeral Luncheon Ministry.
Volunteers are always welcomed! Funeral Luncheon is chaired by Michelle Mosgrove. Call the parish office to be put in touch with Michelle.
Support Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous
AA states that each member's "primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety."
Members and groups remain anonymous in public media and altruistically help other alcoholics, including all who wish to stop drinking.
There are several groups meeting weekly. Call the office to put in touch with Pappy Corbitt for more information.