
Thank you for your financial support. Your generosity makes a difference.


Your financial support to Our Lady of the Lake continues our mission to Love God. Love Others. Make Disciples of Jesus Christ. Read below to find out how your financial support impacts this mission. 

How to Give

Give online or with cash or check. Online giving allows you to schedule when you give. If you would like envelopes for cash or check, contact the parish office. As a friendly reminder, please make checks payable to Our Lady of the Lake. If you’d like to specify a specific ministry or program, such as St. Vincent de Paul, Mercy Teams, or Faithful to Our Mission, please note this in the memo line of your check.


For more details or for technical help, please contact our Accounting Office at 503-636-7687 or


Online Giving

Give Online with ParishSoft Giving

or text "donate" to

503-468-GIVE (4483).


Offering Envelopes

Give with Cash or Check

Drop offertory envelope in the Narthex or mail in.

Our Giving Supports

General Offertory & Parish Ministries

General offertory supports the overall work of the parish, including our Outreach ministries like Mercy Teams and St. Vincent de Paul; Faith Formation for all ages and ministry and program expenses; priest and staff salaries and benefits; reserves; and the Archdioces of Portland in Oregon. Gifts and donations may always be designated to specific ministries or programs. 


We strive to make Catholic education available for all who desire it for their children through our parish school. Gifts to endowment help grow the corpus so that income earned supports finanical aid and other necessary improvements. 

Outreach Fund

Our Pastoral Council established a Parish Outreach Fund in keeping with the mission of our parish to “Love Others” by helping those in need. Three percent of the Parish’s general collection creates the fund that is used to pay for charitable outreach projects, grants to local charities, and emergency requests for assistance.

The Parish Outreach Fund provides grants to organizations and projects that live out the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, and work for justice, peace and charity. Primarily funded by the parishioner’s Sunday giving, the Outreach Fund supports local, national, and international organizations that share our mission. 



General Funding Guidelines


Priority is given to requests that reflect the Corporal Works of Mercy (Matthew 25:31-46) and where parishioners are actively involved. Having one or more parishioners as champions for a cause is important.


Application for Funding


The application process is simple. The agency is invited to complete an interactive online application. Requests greater than $1000 will need to provide additional information on the application. Our parish Outreach Fund Committee will review every application at its quarterly meetings and either approve, postpone, request more information or reject the grant request. Exceptions to this process will be funds allocated at the discretion of the pastor and when the need arises for creating a parish-wide response to natural disaster or other emergency.

Ways to Give

In addition to online giving and cash/check, you can also give to OLL in the following ways:


The Archdiocese of Portland acts as the agent for these gifts with all funds coming to the parish as you choose. When filling out the form, be sure to designate OLL on “For the benefit of” line to make sure your gift comes to our parish.

Planned Gifts-Bequests

A legacy gift from your will or estate plan will be directed as you wish when you go home to God. Knowing of your intention helps the parish know how to direct such a gift and we acknowledge this legacy gift during your lifetime. 

Purchase a Brick

The final phase of our Building in Faith project was the completion of the commemorative walkway. The walkway connects the church to the Parish Center which houses the OLL School and Parish Offices. The one hundred foot walkway of bricks and pavers passes in front of our Blessed Mother Statue.


A personalized commemorative brick or paver can be purchased at anytime for yourself, a loved one, your business, or in memoriam. Your brick or paver will be engraved with your selected name or phrase and will become a lasting tribute, paving the way for generations to come.


Download the Order Form below (or pick one up at the office) and send in to Georgeann. Call the office with questions. 

Double Your Donation With Company Matching!

Many employers offer a Matching Gift Program that will match an employee's donation to a local charitable organization like Our Lady of the Lake.  Some provide matching funds to support employee volunteer hours. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar, and some will even double or triple the amount of your gift!

Requesting a matching gift or volunteer grant is an easy process which must be initiated by the donor or volunteer. Check with your HR Department to see if your company offers a Matching Gift Program so you can double your impact.

Here are some of the companies who have matched gifts to Our Lady of the Lake:

  • Accenture

  • Adobe Inc.

  • Ameriprise Financial

  • Clorox

  • Genentech

  • Intel

  • Moda Health

  • Nike

  • Portland General Electric

Second Collections

As Catholics, we are part of a universal Church that extends beyond our own parish boundaries. About once a month we will take a second collection to support important causes that carry out the mission of the Church, both locally, nationally, and globally. Below are some examples of second collections we participate in throughout the year. Note: Occasionally our schedule may cause us to postpone or reschedule a second collection, or we may just have special envelopes available instead of a formal collection.


  • Collection for Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe (CCEE) - Ash Wednesday
  • The Catholic Relief Services Collection - 4th Sunday of Lent
  • Catholic Home Missions Appeal (CHMA) - Last Sunday in April
  • Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) - Sunday between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost
  • Peter’s Pence Collection (Collection for the Holy Father) - Sunday nearest the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul
  • Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Retirement Fund for Religious - 2nd Sunday in December
  • CRS Rice Bowl Program (not a formal collection) - Individual and Family Offerings throughout Lent
  • Pontifical Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land - Good Friday
  • World Mission Sunday - Next-to-last Sunday in October




For more details or for technical help with Giving at OLL, please contact our Accounting Office at 503-636-7687 or